Stories — Solid Tumours

Super Jamie's Story

Super Jamie’s Story

July 2024

Imagine a cancer diagnosis on Christmas Day...

Super Oscar's Story

Super Oscar’s Story

May 2024

A weakness in Oscar's right arm and hand was the start of the journey no family wants to take...

Super Sonia's Story

Super Sonia’s Story

March 2024

Super Sonia has been receiving treatment for a pilomixoid brain tumour and has been so brave and courageous with her treatment...

Super Alfie's Story

Super Alfie’s Story

March 2024

Alfie's chest pain unfortunately proved to be more than just a pulled muscle...

Super Elsie's Story

Super Elsie’s Story

March 2024

Super Elsie's brain tumour unfortunately caused her to lose her sight in both eyes...

Super George's Story

Super George’s Story

February 2024

Treatment for cancer can be a long process. Ringing the bell for the end of your treatment is a huge milestone. Here's Super George...

Super Hugo's Story

Super Hugo’s Story

February 2024

Hugo had been unwell for a few days and visited his GP, who sent him straight to hospital. Hugo crashed whilst there...

Super Leo's Story

Super Leo’s Story

December 2023

Little Leo was only 21 months old when he was diagnosed with a rare kidney cancer.

Super Elsie's Story

Super Elsie’s Story

August 2023

Sometimes, the first round of treatment doesn't have the outcome that everyone hoped for...

Super Rian's Story

Super Rian’s Story

August 2023

An x-ray of his swollen hand brought Rian an unexpected and unwelcome diagnosis...

Sophia's Story

Sophia’s Story

August 2023

Super Sophia is described as a "little warrior" by her mum. Read on to find out why...

Super Lena's Story

Super Lena’s Story

August 2023

Lena was diagnosed with a brain tumour in the summer of 2022. Her family says, "her life fell apart"...

Super Jack's Story

Super Jack’s Story

August 2023

Jack's parents noticed that one of his eyelids was drooping. Their GP acted swiftly...

Super Olivia's Story

Super Olivia’s Story

August 2023

To be diagnosed and treated once is enough for one child, but when the cancer returns, 11 years later...

Super Rachael's Story

Super Rachael’s Story

June 2023

After a normal pregancy and birth, Rachael's family received a devastating diagnosis...

Super Bethany's Story

Super Bethany’s Story

March 2023

Months of sickness and headaches led to a devastating diagnosis for Bethany...

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Super Holly’s Story

January 2023

Holly was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 19...

Super James's Story

Super James’s Story

December 2022

James' best friend is his labrador, Goose!

Super Lys's Story

Super Lys’s Story

November 2022

Lys's suspected UTI turned out to be something far more serious...

Super Isla's Story

Super Isla’s Story

October 2022

At just 4 years old, Super Isla was diagnosed with a Wilms tumour...

Super Daisy's Story

Super Daisy’s Story

October 2022

An "ordinary" cyst turned out to be something far more serious for Super Daisy...

Super Seth's Story

Super Seth’s Story

October 2022

Seth's family were shocked to receive a diagnosis of Pilocytic Astrocytoma (a type of brain tumour) for their little warrior...

Super Harry's Story

Super Harry’s Story

October 2022

Super Harry was showing some unusual symptoms: sickness, dizziness and then suddenly was unable to walk...

Super Arabella's Story

Super Arabella’s Story

September 2022

Super Arabella's headaches, nausea and light sensitivity were cause for concern. An MRI scan revealed Craniopharyngioma...

Super George's Story

Super George’s Story

September 2022

George's treatment has been very tough and he's had to be Super brave, but his mum says he's always smiling...

Super Ronnie's Story

Super Ronnie’s Story

September 2022

Ronnie has been an "absolute warrior" according to his mum. His gruelling treatment began, and continued, all through lockdown...

Super Francesca's Story

Super Francesca’s Story

August 2022

Unexplained tummy pains after a fall led Francesca's family to a devastating diagnosis.

Super Daisy's Story

Super Daisy’s Story

July 2022

Imagine being given the all-clear, only to be told a couple of months later that your cancer has returned...

Super Elliott's Story

Super Elliott’s Story

April 2022

Elliott's family were taken completely by surprise by this devastating diagnosis...

Super Flora's Story

Super Flora’s Story

April 2022

This little trooper had to undergo a 15-hour operation to remove most of a brain tumour. And her cancer journey has only just begun...

Super Max's Story

Super Max’s Story

November 2021

What began as a suspected gastric problem turned into every parent's worst nightmare, as Super Max's mum explains...

Super Max's Story

Super Max’s Story

October 2021

Max wears his gold ribbon t-shirt with pride and his family is also incredibly proud of his resilience...

Super Percy's Story

Super Percy’s Story

July 2021

Percy's family describe him as a true hero, after an unexpected diagnosis left him facing gruelling treatment.

Super Brody's Story

Super Brody’s Story

March 2021

Brody is as brave as a lion, so this was the perfect choice of design for his Supershoes...

Super Cobie's Story

Super Cobie’s Story

February 2021

A mum's intuition told Lauren that something was not quite right with Cobie's eye...

Super Riley's Story

Super Riley’s Story

January 2021

Super Riley has had a truly gruelling journey so far in his treatment for Wilms Tumour, but he keeps smiling through...

Super Stefan's Story

Super Stefan’s Story

December 2020

A suspected footballing injury turned out to be something far more serious for Stefan.

Super Olivia's Story

Super Olivia’s Story

October 2020

A little lady whose favourite colour is pink!

Super William's Story

Super William’s Story

July 2020

There is no doubt that Super William is very deserving of his Supershoes! William has endured so much yet has only just turned 4 years old.

Super Morven's Story

Super Morven’s Story

June 2020

Morven is 7 years old and was diagnosed with Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma January 2020. Her Supershoes include her favourite football team, film and animals.

Super Sam's Story

Super Sam’s Story

April 2020

Sam was diagnosed with a wilms tumour in September 2019. After undergoing surgery Sam was very much looking forward to receiving his new Supershoes inspired by his love of the computer game Rocket League.

Super Roonagh's Story

Super Roonagh’s Story

March 2020

2 year old Roonagh was a premature baby and had open heart surgery later that year. A month following Roonagh was diagnosed with cancer of the liver and subsequently had a successful liver transplant in 2019.

Super Alyssa's Story

Super Alyssa’s Story

February 2020

Super Alyssa was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma at just 3 years old, after discovering a lump on her tummy and is the latest child to receive the gift of Supershoes.

Super Lilly's Story

Super Lilly’s Story

February 2020

Super Lily was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at just 14 months old and received her beautiful new Supershoes as she approached the end of her treatment.

Super Finlay's Story

Super Finlay’s Story

January 2020

Finlay has been so brave throughout his diagnosis, his subsequent treatment and his left leg amputation. He is so deserving of some amazing Supershoes and would love Kermit the frog to be at the centre of the design.

Super Amelie's Story

Super Amelie’s Story

December 2019

Super Amelie had a beaming smile on her face after receiving her Supershoes recently and felt very, very happy when she put them on. Her family is so proud of how brave Super Amelie has been throughout all her treatment. She has never complained and has kept a smile on the faces of those closest to her. She is an inspirational young lady!

Super Orlagh's Story

Super Orlagh’s Story

December 2019

Super Orlagh was delighted when she received her Greatest Showman-themed Supershoes recently. Her family is so proud of how brave she is being with everything she has had to go through...

Super Abigail's Story

Super Abigail’s Story

December 2019

Super Abigail was over the moon when she received her Supershoes a short time ago, which put a big smile on her face during a challenging time. The Supershoes featured her favourite animal: her dog Teddy...

Super Maisy's Story

Super Maisy’s Story

December 2019

Super Maisy was stunned when she received her Frozen-themed Supershoes last month and they most definitely cheered her up, as she had not been feeling very well due to chemotherapy side effects. Her beautiful smile shows how happy the Supershoes made her!

Super Braydon's Story

Super Braydon’s Story

November 2019

When Braydon first received his Supershoes in September 2018 it was a very difficult time. He was going through chemotherapy and had only a few weeks before undergoing an above the knee amputation in his right leg to remove his tumour. The smile on his face when he sees his Supershoes says it all.

Super Seth's Story

Super Seth’s Story

July 2019

Super Seth loves Lego, animals & cartoon characters - his favourite characters are Snoopy & Scooby Doo. Super Seth was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in November 2018 on his 6th birthday ...

Super Keeva's Story

Super Keeva’s Story

June 2019

Super Keeva's favourite colour is turquoise, her favourite series are Paw Patrol, Jake & the Neverland Pirates & Power Rangers. She would like to be a pilot when she grows up. Super Keeva was diagnosed with Anaplastic Rhabdomyosarcoa in October 2014 at 3 years old & relapsed in Nov 2016 …

Super Seren's Story

Super Seren’s Story

March 2019

Super Seren is a huge fan of the Netflix series Glitter Force, the film The Greatest Showman & her favourite Disney character is Moana. Super Seren's favourite animals are rabbits & she has various hobbies including swimming, running & football. Super Seren was diagnosed with Wilms in July 2017 ...

Super Esme's Story

Super Esme’s Story

March 2019

Super Esme loves unicorns, flowers & hip hop - & of course, her favourite colour is pink! Esme was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour in March 2017 …

Super Honey's Story

Super Honey’s Story

September 2018

Super Honey's favourite animals are puppies, bunnies and bees which she was eager to see included on her Supershoes. She was diagnosed when she was 13 in February 2018...

Super Finley's Story

Super Finley’s Story

March 2018

Five year old Super Finley is a big fan of both Ironman and Optimus Prime from Transformers. He also likes crocodiles! He was diagnosed with a brain tumour aged four...

Super Spencer's Story

Super Spencer’s Story

October 2017

Super Spencer is 10 months old and was diagnosed with Wilms Tumour at just 3 months of age.....

Zachery's Story

Zachery’s Story

December 2016

Diagnosed at just 2 months old, Super Zachery has spent much of his life in hospital...

Jack's Story

Jack’s Story

July 2016

14 year old Super Jack is a keen mountain biker who's recently returned from having Proton Therapy in USA.

Maisie's Story

Maisie’s Story

July 2016

1D fan Super Maisie loves sparkles and always enjoyed gymnastics & dancing.

Jessica's Story

Jessica’s Story

July 2016

Super Jessica is 2 and loves swimming. She goes whenever she is well enough.

Isabella's Story

Isabella’s Story

March 2016

Not even 6 months old yet, but she’s already discovered the fun of playing peek-a-boo!

Finley's Story

Finley’s Story

February 2016

This brave little neuroblastoma fighting soldier said his Supershoes gave him real super powers.....

Elsie's Story

Elsie’s Story

December 2015

In March 2014 aged 2 & 1/2 Elsie was diagnosed with a grade 4 medulloblastoma brain tumour. She had only had noticable symptoms for about five weeks prior to diagnosis.....

Theo's Story

Theo’s Story

November 2015

Nothing can ever prepare you for those words when you find out your child has cancer. Everything was just a blur after that.....

Nathan's Story

Nathan’s Story

October 2015

6 year old Nathan loves anything to do with Minecraft or Minions. He enjoys watching Despicable Me as well as Tom & Jerry.

Libby's Story

Libby’s Story

August 2015

This beautiful young lady is 12 year old Super Libby.  She enjoys arts & crafts, likes dolphins, butterflies & Minions.

Zak's Story

Zak’s Story

July 2015

15 year old Super Zak is a big football fan. He supports Liverpool FC and his favourite player is Daniel Sturidge.

Millie's Story

Millie’s Story

July 2015

Like many little girls 2 year old Millie is a big fan of Peppa Pig and Frozen.

Harry's Story

Harry’s Story

June 2015

This little Superhero loves Skylanders & Minecraft, Ollie Murs and Harry Potter.  He supports Man City football club and likes rugby too.

Dylan's Story

Dylan’s Story

May 2015

This little Superhero is 3 years old and as you can see is a big fan of Superman. He also loves Spiderman and Batman too!

Summer's Story

Summer’s Story

May 2015

This little cutie is 4 year old Super Summer...! She is a big fan of My Little Pony.

Harry's Story

Harry’s Story

January 2015

16 year old Super Harry loves Strictly Come Dancing and in Feb 2014 he met Abbie Clancy, Susanna Reid, Deborah Meaden and the rest of the 2013 contestants & professional dancers.

Amber-Mae's Story

Amber-Mae’s Story

January 2015

Amber-Mae was referred to us by CLIC Sargent and we couldn't wait to get started on a pair of Supershoes for her.

Orla's Story

Orla’s Story

January 2015

Super Orla was put on a course of palliative chemotherapy with the hope of slowing the growth of the tumour but amazingly she had this chemo for 2 and a half years and maximised the full dose.

Ava's Story

Ava’s Story

December 2014

Like many little girls her age she loves the Disney film Frozen, especially Queen Elsa and Princess Anna.

Henry's Story

Henry’s Story

October 2013

The very 1st pair of Supershoes were created for Henry Allen, who sadly gained his angel wings shortly after receiving his Supershoes.....