Stories — 13-18 Years Old

Super Leo's Story

Super Leo’s Story

July 2024

Leo was diagnosed with ALL, but that didn't stop him dancing all night in his Supershoes!

Super Sophia's Story

Super Sophia’s Story

May 2024

A devastating diagnosis just 3 days after her 16th birthday...

Super Jack's Story

Super Jack’s Story

April 2024

Unexplained bruising on his body whilst on a family holiday, led to a worrying diagnosis for Jack...

Super George's Story

Super George’s Story

February 2024

Treatment for cancer can be a long process. Ringing the bell for the end of your treatment is a huge milestone. Here's Super George...

Super Charlie's Story

Super Charlie’s Story

November 2023

Charlie's rare condition has required a bone marrow transplant and there have been complications. They are now slowly recovering...

Super Olivia's Story

Super Olivia’s Story

August 2023

To be diagnosed and treated once is enough for one child, but when the cancer returns, 11 years later...

Super Bethany's Story

Super Bethany’s Story

March 2023

Months of sickness and headaches led to a devastating diagnosis for Bethany...

Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver’s Story

February 2021

Oliver's diagnosis was a huge shock for an active young man, already involved in a cancer awareness-raising group.

Super Stefan's Story

Super Stefan’s Story

December 2020

A suspected footballing injury turned out to be something far more serious for Stefan.

Super Chloe's Story

Super Chloe’s Story

July 2019

Super Chloe's favourite colours are blue and black - & her favourite artist is the London Rapper, Dave. Her Super Cap has the design of his latest Album, Psychodrama. Super Chloe was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in April 2019 at 15 years old …

Super Michael's Story

Super Michael’s Story

March 2019

Super Michael is a huge fan of the American dark fantasy TV series Supernatural - & he also enjoys watching the YouTuber Jacksepticeye - both of which were included in his Supershoes design. He was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in July 2018...

Super Honey's Story

Super Honey’s Story

September 2018

Super Honey's favourite animals are puppies, bunnies and bees which she was eager to see included on her Supershoes. She was diagnosed when she was 13 in February 2018...

Super Daniel's Story

Super Daniel’s Story

June 2018

Super Daniel loves Star Wars and in particular wanted to include Chewbaca on his Supershoes! He was diagnosed in July 2016...

Super Kelly's Story

Super Kelly’s Story

May 2018

Super Kelly loves all things Jamaican and wanted her Supershoes to reflect this. They have palm trees, the Jamaican flag and of course the super cool Bob Marley. She was diagnosed in December 2017...

Super Jack's Story

Super Jack’s Story

October 2017

Jack received one of the early pairs of Supershoes back in 2014 but look how he's grown. Read what he's been up to during the last 3 years.....

Amy's Story

Amy’s Story

August 2016

Amy has suffered severe nausea and vomiting throughout her treatment, yet has still managed to smile every day and has recently completed her GCSE’s.

Jack's Story

Jack’s Story

July 2016

14 year old Super Jack is a keen mountain biker who's recently returned from having Proton Therapy in USA.

Megan's Story

Megan’s Story

May 2016

13 year old Super Megan likes One Direction and Frozen. She enjoys horse riding, swimming and playing bingo.

Megan's Story

Megan’s Story

March 2016

16 year old Super Megan loves nature and we were keen to create a winter woodland theme on her Supershoes.....

Libby's Story

Libby’s Story

August 2015

This beautiful young lady is 12 year old Super Libby.  She enjoys arts & crafts, likes dolphins, butterflies & Minions.

Zak's Story

Zak’s Story

July 2015

15 year old Super Zak is a big football fan. He supports Liverpool FC and his favourite player is Daniel Sturidge.

Emily's Story

Emily’s Story

June 2015

This amazing young lady is 14 year old Super Emily.  She loves listening to One Direction, watching Glee and anything with a bit of sparkle!!

Harry's Story

Harry’s Story

January 2015

16 year old Super Harry loves Strictly Come Dancing and in Feb 2014 he met Abbie Clancy, Susanna Reid, Deborah Meaden and the rest of the 2013 contestants & professional dancers.