Super Isla's Story

Super Isla's Story October 2022

At just 4 years old, Super Isla was diagnosed with a Wilms tumour...

Super Isla’s Journey

Super Isla was already facing health challenges when she was additionally diagnosed with a Wilms tumour. After surgery to remove the affected kidney, Isla had to endure a stem cell transplant and radiotherapy. As you can see, her Supershoes have given her the biggest smile: she really is beaming from ear to ear! Keep smiling Isla - it’s infectious! 5767 Isla pic 2

Super Isla’s Diagnosis

Around 90 children are diagnosed with renal (kidney) tumours every year in the UK. Of these approx 80 are Wilms' tumour. Find out more about Wilms Tumour

The Supershoes

Super Isla wanted Love Monster from CBeebies and hearts, stars and flowers on her shoes. Her mum says, “You have made our little girl so happy; she absolutely loves them! A pair of Supershoes for our very own Super hero!” Thanks to Super Artist Lisa for making Super Isla smile! Isla better

Super Isla with their Supershoes