Super Seth's Story

Super Seth's Story October 2022

Seth's family were shocked to receive a diagnosis of Pilocytic Astrocytoma (a type of brain tumour) for their little warrior...

Super Seth’s Journey

Super Seth has had so much more to deal with than most 6 year olds. His treatment for his brain tumour has certainly had many ups and downs, but his family says he’s been a superstar throughout. We agree, Seth! And we were very happy to see from your smile how much you love your Supercap!

Super Seth’s Diagnosis

Brain and spinal cord tumours are the most common form solid tumours found in children with around 400 being diagnosed each year in the UK. Find out more about Brain & Spinal Tumours

The Supershoes

Seth chose a Supercap to feature his favourite: Sonic the hedgehog! And of course his name, Sethy is on there too, big and bold! Seth 2

Super Seth with their Supershoes