Stories — Leukaemia

Super Leo's Story

Super Leo’s Story

July 2024

Leo was diagnosed with ALL, but that didn't stop him dancing all night in his Supershoes!

Super Archie's Story

Super Archie’s Story

July 2024

Admitted to hospital with a wheeze, Archie's subsequent diagnosis of ALL means he faces over 2 years of treatment...

Super Isabelle's Story

Super Isabelle’s Story

April 2024

Isabelle was poorly with infections and joint pain, before being diagnosed with ALL. Read about her supervision of medical staff here...!

Super Travis's Story

Super Travis’s Story

April 2024

A "standard" fall at school took Super Travis to hospital, where a devastating diagnosis was made...

Super Ava's Story

Super Ava’s Story

March 2024

Chemotherapy is gruelling for little ones. Super Ava is feeling the side effects, so it's Supershoes to the rescue...

Super Macy's Story

Super Macy’s Story

February 2024

At just 3 years old, Super Macy was faced with a huge challenge...

Super Lexi's Story

Super Lexi’s Story

February 2024

Super Lexi's mum describes her as a warrior! We'd agree with that...

Super Daniel's Story

Super Daniel’s Story

February 2024

Super Daniel picked up a bug at nursery. When he didn't recover, a hospital visit revealed a devastating diagnosis...

Super Lacie's Story

Super Lacie’s Story

December 2023

Lacie's family said their hearts were broken when she was diagnosed with ALL at just four years old...

Super Isla's Story

Super Isla’s Story

November 2023

Isla's mummy describes how their world was "turned upside-down" following a diagnosis of ALL...

Super Finley's Story

Super Finley’s Story

September 2023

For the last three and a half years, we have entered a completely unfamiliar world. Finnie’s diagnosis was the news that no family should ever have to face...

Super Patrick's Story

Super Patrick’s Story

August 2023

A fall whilst on holiday, playing football brought a devastating finding...

Super Freya's Story

Super Freya’s Story

June 2023

Freya's very rare diagnosis of MPAL is a combination of ALL and AML. It occurs in just 2% of cases worldwide...

Super Ethan's Story

Super Ethan’s Story

May 2023

Treatment for cancer can take a long time. Ethan has been so brave since the start of his chemotherapy...

Super Jayden's Story

Super Jayden’s Story

April 2023

His smile says it all...

Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver’s Story

April 2023

A pair of Supershoes was just the thing to give Super Oliver a boost, following a bone marrow transplant...

Super Thomas's Story

Super Thomas’s Story

December 2022

Thomas has been struggling with his treatment for ALL and needed a boost...

Super Oscar's Story

Super Oscar’s Story

October 2022

Super Oscar has been so brave during his gruelling treatment for ALL...

Super Oscar's Story

Super Oscar’s Story

October 2022

When Super Oscar suddenly stopped walking, the last thing his family expected was a diagnosis of Leukaemia...

Super Theo's Story

Super Theo’s Story

October 2022

Instead of starting school, Theo was starting chemotherapy...

Super Cora's Story

Super Cora’s Story

July 2022

Super brave Cora has had a really tough time with her treatment for ALL...

Super Arabella's Story

Super Arabella’s Story

June 2022

As if chemotherapy wasn't enough, Super Arabella was also seriously ill with Covid following her treatment...

Super Abigail's Story

Super Abigail’s Story

May 2022

Just look at the smile on Super Abigail's face as she wears her Supershoes!

Super Riley's Story

Super Riley’s Story

February 2022

Super Riley's mum explains how an otherwise normal school day turned into something quite different...

Super Harry's Story

Super Harry’s Story

January 2022

A chest infection turned out to be something far more serious, and Harry is now embarking on a three-year treatment plan...

Super Faye's Story

Super Faye’s Story

August 2021

Faye and her twin sister were born prematurely. Faye struggled with health issues from early on, and then came the devastating diagnosis of T-cell ALL...

Super Ffion's Story

Super Ffion’s Story

July 2021

Brave Ffion has been through so much although she has only just turned 4 years old.

Super Benjamin's Story

Super Benjamin’s Story

April 2021

Benjamin has spent half his life in treatment for cancer. That's a lot for a 7-year-old to deal with!

Super Oliver's Story

Super Oliver’s Story

February 2021

Oliver's diagnosis was a huge shock for an active young man, already involved in a cancer awareness-raising group.

Super Matilda's Story

Super Matilda’s Story

November 2020

One diagnosis of cancer in the family is more than enough, but two...? Matilda has been such an amazing support, as well as facing her own treatment.

Super Finnley's Story

Super Finnley’s Story

October 2020

Three years old and at the start of his treatment, Finnley's kind, sweet nature shines through.

Super Flo's Story

Super Flo’s Story

June 2020

Flo was diagnosed with leukemia shortly after her 4th birthday and has had 22 months of treatment since. On her Supershoes she wished to have included all of her most favourite things!

Super Wils's Story

Super Wils’s Story

May 2020

Super Wils is the biggest Welsh rugby fan and asked for his heroes Alun Wyn Jones and George North to be painted on his Supershoes; along with the Welsh flag and a rugby ball of course!

Super Marshall's Story

Super Marshall’s Story

May 2020

"I'm Super Marshall" ... 3 year old Marshall was diagnosed with ALL in 2019 and has undergone lots of very intense treatment over the past 7 months. Mum hopes that the arrival of his new Supershoes will encourage him to explore and experience more adventures as his strength improves.

Super Lydia's Story

Super Lydia’s Story

April 2020

Lydia is a very happy little girl who was diagnosed with ALL back in 2019. She has been having a tough time and her family say she is really deserving of a pair of Supershoes.

Super Leon's Story

Super Leon’s Story

July 2019

Super Leon favourite colours are red and green and he is obsessed with dinosaurs and safari animals, especially the giraffe. Super Leon was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in April 2017

Super Craig's Story

Super Craig’s Story

July 2019

Super Craig loves the colour yellow & computing on his Nintendo - Yoshi is his favourite character. He also loves Microsoft windows including the logo. Super Craig was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in May 2018 …

Super Nancie's Story

Super Nancie’s Story

June 2019

Super Nancie's favourite colour is purple & she loves Harry Potter, dancing & 5 Seconds Of Summer all of which were reflected in her Supershoes design. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in August 2016 at 6 years old …

Super Suki's Story

Super Suki’s Story

May 2019

Super Suki aka Sukistar is a fan of Disney princesses Moana & Cinderella, enjoys arts & crafts, her favourite colour is blue & her favourite animals are rabbits. Suki was diagnosed with Leakaemia in January 2017 at the age of 4 years old...

Super Emily's Story

Super Emily’s Story

March 2019

Super Emily's favourite animated children's series is Peter Rabbit & her favourite colour is pink - all of which is reflected in her Supershoes design along with the gold childhood cancer awareness symbol. Super Emily was diagnosed with Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in July 2018 …

Super Edie's Story

Super Edie’s Story

January 2019

Super Edie's favourite Shopkins is Kooky Cookie which she wanted to have included on her Supershoes. She was diagnosed in December 2017 with ALL...

Super Ronnie's Story

Super Ronnie’s Story

October 2018

Super Ronnie loves lego and wanted Harry Potter lego on his Supershoes, along with his other favourite film Star Wars. He was diagnosed with ALL when he was 9 years old...

Super Clayton's Story

Super Clayton’s Story

September 2018

Super Clayton is a huge fan of Toy Story, and his favourite character is Buzz Lightyear. He was diagnosed in April 2018...

Super Daniel's Story

Super Daniel’s Story

June 2018

Super Daniel loves Star Wars and in particular wanted to include Chewbaca on his Supershoes! He was diagnosed in July 2016...

Super Elliot's Story

Super Elliot’s Story

June 2018

Super Elliot enjoys playing with his lego and duplo ninjago. He is a big fan of watching Paw Patrol and PJ Masks. He was diagnosed in January 2017...

Super Laila's Story

Super Laila’s Story

May 2018

Horse loving Super Laila enjoys Pokémon and playing Animal Jam. Her favourite film is Black Beauty and she also loves unicorns and pugs. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in November 2015...

Super Jack's Story

Super Jack’s Story

October 2017

Jack received one of the early pairs of Supershoes back in 2014 but look how he's grown. Read what he's been up to during the last 3 years.....

Olivia's Story

Olivia’s Story

November 2016

3 year old Super Olivia is a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine and Paw Patrol....

Finlay's Story

Finlay’s Story

October 2016

Finn was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia on Christmas Eve 2014...

Jessica's Story

Jessica’s Story

September 2016

Two year old Super Jessica has spent many, many months in hospital....

Finlay's Story

Finlay’s Story

September 2016

Super Finlay has been through a very long and hard journey, which started when he was just two years old.....

Amy's Story

Amy’s Story

August 2016

Amy has suffered severe nausea and vomiting throughout her treatment, yet has still managed to smile every day and has recently completed her GCSE’s.

Jasmi's Story

Jasmi’s Story

June 2016

Jasmi was in the maintenance phase of treatment with a year to go, when her family found out she had relapsed

Ryan's Story

Ryan’s Story

June 2016

This little fella is 5 year old Super Ryan. He loves his computer games especially Super Mario Bros and Skylanders and is also a big Star Wars fan.

Megan's Story

Megan’s Story

May 2016

13 year old Super Megan likes One Direction and Frozen. She enjoys horse riding, swimming and playing bingo.

Harry's Story

Harry’s Story

April 2016

Harry has dealt with meningitis, strep B, septicaemia, Bell’s Palsy and to top it all off….hospital phobia whilst undergoing leukaemia treatment.

Eden's Story

Eden’s Story

March 2016

It was a throat infection and small purple dots / blood spots on his legs along with feeling lethargic that highlighted Eden's leukaemia.

Megan's Story

Megan’s Story

March 2016

16 year old Super Megan loves nature and we were keen to create a winter woodland theme on her Supershoes.....

Callum's Story

Callum’s Story

February 2016

Callum was admitted to hospital on 23rd Dec 2015 and subsequently spent Christmas apart from his two sisters and grandparents.

Abigail's Story

Abigail’s Story

January 2016

Abigail was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia shortly before her 12th birthday.....

Lia's Story

Lia’s Story

August 2015

Super Lia is 9 years old and enjoys sewing, arts & crafts, listening to music and playing her recorder.  She is a big fan of Meghan Trainor and also loves the Minions!

Reuben's Story

Reuben’s Story

August 2015

This cute little fella is 3 years old and absolutely loves Fireman Sam. He also likes postman pat and the Gruffalo too.

Emily's Story

Emily’s Story

June 2015

This amazing young lady is 14 year old Super Emily.  She loves listening to One Direction, watching Glee and anything with a bit of sparkle!!

Ruby's Story

Ruby’s Story

March 2015

Ruby's mum heard about Supershoes from another mum on the oncology ward at the hospital.

Bella's Story

Bella’s Story

February 2015

We chose super cute Super Bella to be our High 5 recipient this month. Our High 5 challenge is where we ask for donations of £5 which are pooled to group fund Supershoes for children such as Bella.

Amelia's Story

Amelia’s Story

November 2014

Super Amelia has discovered the joy of Playdoh though during her many hospital stays and it keeps her very busy.

Leah's Story

Leah’s Story

October 2014

Leah was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2012 and since then has been treated with blocks of chemotherapy of varying intensity.