Super Chloe's Story

Super Chloe's Story July 2019

Super Chloe's favourite colours are blue and black - & her favourite artist is the London Rapper, Dave. Her Super Cap has the design of his latest Album, Psychodrama. Super Chloe was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in April 2019 at 15 years old …

Super Chloe’s Journey

Super Chloe was diagnosed very suddenly with Stage 2 Hodgkin Lymphoma last month after an emergency appointment with a paediatrician. Within 15 minutes of the appointment they were being prepared for Chemotherapy - & lots of it! Super Chloe is being awesome & is doing really well. She is super excited about the idea of a personally styled hat.

Super Chloe’s Diagnosis

Around 60 children each year receives a diagnosis of Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL), in the UK. While it can affect children of all ages, it occurs more often in the 10-14 year age group, affecting more boys than girls. Find out more about Hodgkin Lymphoma

The Supershoes

“Chloe is SUPER pleased with her hat. She wore it proudly to chemo today, and told me that it was better than what she hoped for! Thanks so much again for supporting her request”

Super Chloe with their Supershoes

Super Chloe’s Gallery