Wilms Tumour

What is it?

Named after Dr Max Wilms, these renal tumours are thought to develop from cells that are present at the embryo stage.

When the kidneys develop in the womb, cells called metanephric blastema, which usually disappear after birth, remain present. They start to grow out of control, forming a mass of small immature cells.

Wilms’ tumour usually only affects one kidney (unilateral) but, in rare cases, can affect both (bilateral).

Who does it affect?

Around 90 children are diagnosed with renal (kidney) tumours every year in the UK.

90% of these cases (around 80 children) are Wilms’ tumour - also known as Nephroblastoma.

Find out more

You can read more about the types of Wilms Tumour and it’s treatment.

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