Super Kids

Super Travis's Story

Super Travis’s Story

April 2024

A "standard" fall at school took Super Travis to hospital, where a devastating diagnosis was made...

Super Isabelle's Story

Super Isabelle’s Story

April 2024

Isabelle was poorly with infections and joint pain, before being diagnosed with ALL. Read about her supervision of medical staff here...!

Super Sonia's Story

Super Sonia’s Story

March 2024

Super Sonia has been receiving treatment for a pilomixoid brain tumour and has been so brave and courageous with her treatment...

Super Skyla's Story

Super Skyla’s Story

March 2024

This young lady was very observant, and found a lump, which carried with it a very serious diagnosis...

Super Alfie's Story

Super Alfie’s Story

March 2024

Alfie's chest pain unfortunately proved to be more than just a pulled muscle...

Super Elsie's Story

Super Elsie’s Story

March 2024

Super Elsie's brain tumour unfortunately caused her to lose her sight in both eyes...

Super Ava's Story

Super Ava’s Story

March 2024

Chemotherapy is gruelling for little ones. Super Ava is feeling the side effects, so it's Supershoes to the rescue...

Super George's Story

Super George’s Story

February 2024

Treatment for cancer can be a long process. Ringing the bell for the end of your treatment is a huge milestone. Here's Super George...

Super Macy's Story

Super Macy’s Story

February 2024

At just 3 years old, Super Macy was faced with a huge challenge...