I’m writing this in the midst of some glorious weather (that’ll jinx it for sure – cue thunderstorms and torrential rain!) and I was thinking about how the wonderful band of Super Volunteers and Super Artists are still giving their time and talents, in the office, or painting, even when they’re looking outside at the sun, wondering if they’d rather be out there with a book and a glass of something chilled. What a bunch of superstars they are!
The thing is, they all want to help. And helping others, in any way, is a win-win. The person who needs help gets it, which makes their life easier. The person who gives the help feels great for having been needed and able to give assistance. Wellbeing points all round: it’s a simple equation that works brilliantly.

When it comes to asking for volunteers to step up and join us at Supershoes, I always know that what’s on offer is of huge benefit. That’s why I’ll never stop asking for help, because there will always be a place for people with good hearts and transferable skills.
Recently, a Facebook post asking for potential Super Artists to come forward to paint Supershoes had a great big heart-warming response, which means that we’re on track to catch up with a bit of a backlog of referrals which built up over lockdown – I’m thrilled to welcome more arty folk to the Supershoes family!

We also have some office newbies too: pairs of Supershoes take up a huge amount of work in the background, other than painting, to reach their final destinations. Then there’s all the administration of a charity: finances, website, social media, marketing, fundraising, queries, queries, queries, and you’ll appreciate that occasionally I have to shout: HELP!!!
And help arrives. Sometimes from unexpected directions, other times from lightbulb moments. I’m just so grateful that whatever the weather, there are beautiful people out there ready to give the most precious gift: their time. If you’d like to help in some way, I’d love to hear from you too. Contact me here.
In the meantime, rain or shine, we’ll all still be here, making smiles for children and young people with cancer. They need our help, we give it. Simple.
With peace, love and gratitude
Sarah x__