World Cancer Day

A day when the Union for International Cancer Control works to unite the cancer community to raise awareness, improve education and press individuals and governments to make improvements in cancer detection, treatment and care.

World Cancer Day

This year the theme is Cancer is Not Beyond Us and the day will highlight how working together we can do so much more.

It’s a heartbreaking fact that 1600 children every year in the UK are diagnosed with Cancer. That is 30 children per week. In fact 1 in 500 children will develop cancer before they are 14 years old.

So in the spirit of collaboration on World Cancer Day, Supershoes would like to highlight the charity: Children With Cancer UK.

Children with Cancer UK

Whilst research into childhood cancers is limited, this particular charity’s research is focused only on childhood cancers.

The little Super-children that we have the privilege to meet and share in their journey don’t deserve to have cancer and we have to hope that one day all children will live cancer free. In the meantime these children do deserve effective treatments that are tailored and sympathetic to a child’s growing body, instead of scaled down variant of an adult treatment, thus reducing their side effects and long term health problems.

Please consider making a contribution to Children with Cancer UK if you are able. 84% of funds to this charity is spent on research and raising awareness and you can donate here!